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Katarina Schulz

Katarina Schulz is a Consultant at adelphi's Climate Diplomacy and Security Programme where she works on projects at the intersection of climate, foreign and development policy. In her research, she focuses on the fragility risks of climate change impacts for societies, communities and livelihoods. She has been part of the Climate Diplomacy knowledge platform’s editorial team for several years and coordinates the Climate Security Expert Network (CSEN).


Pandemic stress test reveals multilateralism’s worth

The novel corona virus has had the world in its grip for months. Most countries’ immediate response was to focus on internal issues: they resorted to nationalistic approaches, closing borders and even competing for equipment, even though a multilateral approach was necessary. In the longer term, will this crisis strengthen the ties between nations? Or exacerbate the flaws of today’s multilateralism?


Thumbnail_Summary_Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2020

Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2020 - Summary

Thumbnail_Summary_Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2020

The first part of the 2020 Berlin Climate and Security Conference took place online on June 23 and 24, 2020, bringing together leading figures from governments, international organisations and the scientific community through two sessions on the state of the art of climate and security and a high-level political segment. This summary outlines the highlights of the conference.